Data Science Cross-Validated

My name is Andras Zsom, I’m an Assistant Professor and Director of Graduate Studies at the Data Science Institute of Brown University.

With 9+ years of experience in data science, higher ed, and career coaching, I am happy to offer data science tutoring, career coaching, and consulting services.

Data Science Training/Tutoring

I have 5+ years of experience teaching master’s level courses and offering a variety of workshops. I’d be happy to work with you and your team to create personalized training and educational programs on a variety of topics including but not limited to Python, pandas, data visualization and exploration, machine learning with sklearn, XGBoost, natural language processing, working with missing data, interpretability or XAI, GenAI, and more.

Book a FREE 30 minute consultation!


Career Coaching

With 3+ years of experience advising early career data scientists (my master’s students at Brown) in this turbulent job market, I can help you develop an effective job search strategy, review and improve your resume and cover letter, help you prepare for behavioral, technical, and coding interviews, improve your presentation skills, and help with the negotiation process.

Book a FREE 30 minute consultation!

Data Science Consulting

I worked with companies like amgen, university administrators, and research faculty to develop, test, and deploy machine learning models. I’d be happy to work with your company to explore datasets, translate business problems to questions data science can answer, prototype machine learning models and make them explainable, perform hypothesis or A/B testing, and help with deployment.

Book a FREE 30 minute consultation!


"Working with Andras was a pivotal step in my journey to become a data scientist. His recommendations into current job search strategies, resume optimizations, and interview preparation were incredibly insightful. The personalized guidance I received during career advising sessions significantly boosted my confidence and readiness for the job market. I highly recommend his career coaching services for anyone looking to break into or advance their career in data science."

Stuart Toda, Data Scientist @ Red Ventures

“I benefited tremendously from the Introduction to Python workshop taught by Andras Zsom. The workshop provided hands-on training to gain experience using common tools and packages, with the opportunity to apply these techniques to data. The most beneficial part of the workshop was the detailed and patient guidance in applying these techniques to my own work. I am now using Python in a new research project and it is thanks to this workshop.“

Emily Rauscher, Professor at the Department of Sociology, Brown University